Mentor Mentee

Mentor – Mentee Scheme

Mentoring is not a panacea for all the problems and issues related to personal and professional life of your mentee and his/her family. The essence of mentoring is the sustained human relationship. Your commitment and dedication to your mentee may be the most profound opportunity that you experience. The quality of the relationship you build directly influences the life and future of your mentee. Please exert every effort to maintain professional standards, improve your mentor skills, and exercise good judgment when engaged in any activity involving your mentee.

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  1. A committee is constituted every year consisting three members of each faculty and a chairman.
  2. Equal no of students distributed to the each mentor.
  3. After the distribution of students the chairman instructs and guide mentor about the scheme.
  4. Code of conduct and guidelines are provided to each mentor.
  5. Mentor has daily contact with mentee students through classes.
  6. Mentor Conducts periodical meetings with mentee students.
  7. Problems and issues of mentee sorted by the mentor.
  8. Mentor submits annual report of his mentee students at end of academics.

Aims & Objective

  • To acclimatize the new students to the campus life in college
  • To provide academic counseling
  • To enlighten the students on professional ethics and conduct
  • To communicate with the Students parents
  • Providing emotional support to students on individual basis
  • Helping students to overcome home sickness
  • Establishing rapport between teachers, student & parents.
  • Monitoring attendance and behavioral aspects of every student.
  • To establish good sense of rapport with students so that they developed healthy Teacher- Student relationship.
  • The teacher should act as a mentor, guide and philosopher
  • The teachers should interact constantly and keep themselves in contact with the students always so that problem of students regarding educational,socio-economical, health related and family related could be sort out and most possible help can be rendered to the students.



 Please read carefully, the following guidelines and your roles as a mentor-

  1. At the initial stages, your mentee may appear to be hesitant, unresponsive, and unappreciative of the mentor-mentee relationship. This guarded attitude is simply a manifestation of his/her insecurity about the relationship. The mentee’s attitude will gradually take a positive turn as he/she realizes your sincerity about being a good guide in terms of mentor.
  2. Like any other relation mentor–mentee relationship has an initial phase. During this phase the mentee is more interested in getting to know how “real” you are and how much he/she can trust you. So give adequate time to buildup the mutual faith and trust.
  3. Establish how you can reach your mentee: by phone, e-mail, or at a designated meeting location like class room/ tutorial room (most preferred). As far as possible all meetings should be scheduled in advanced and should be in notice to the HOD/Dean/Principal.
  4. Don’t try to be teacher, parent, disciplinarian and psychotherapist during mentor mentee
  5. Don’t criticize or Think of ways to solve the problem together rather than lecturing or telling the mentee what to do. Never have a negative attitude towards your mentee.
  6. Respect the uniqueness and honor the integrity of your mentee and influence him/her through constructive feedback.
  7. Always explore positive and negative consequences of each and every point/matter/issue.
  8. Be encouraging not There is a big difference between encouraging and demanding. Encourage your mentee to complete his/her education and pursue higher learning or professional goals; provide access to varying points of view.
  9. Assist your mentee in making the connection between his/her actions of today and the dreams and goals of tomorrow. Don’t get discouraged if the mentee isn’t turning his/her life around or making great improvements.
  10. As a teacher cum guide you can share and advise, but know your limitations. Never be very personal and share personal You should preferably interact with your mentees in a group.
  11. Problems that your mentee may share with you regarding substance abuse, molestation and physical abuse are best handled by professionals. If you have any concerns, contact the higher authorities immediately.
  12. Be supportive of the parent, even when you may disagree. Don’t take sides or make judgments concerning any family conflict or situation. Leave the parenting to the parent.
  13. There may be instances when your mentee’s behavior is unacceptable. Explain to your mentee why you find his/her behavior unacceptable. Don’t forget to inform the parent about the steps you took and why you took them.
  14. Never use abusive or unprofessional language.
  15. Avoid arguments with your
  16. As far as possible female faculty should be the mentor for female students.
  17.  Always keep record in support of your all actions of mentor mentee program
  18. Never use alcohol, tobacco or drugs and share your personal things with your mentee.
  19. Entertainment is not the focal point of your Do not spend an exorbitant amount of money for activities like birthday presents, parties etc.
  20. Be sure you have parental approval for all activities apart from routine academic
  21. If you have a concern you feel is beyond your ability to handle, feel free to contact the higher authorities. Never feel helpless or hopeless.