Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

  • About Department -

Department of Chemistry, Arts Commerce Science and Computer Science College Ashwi Kd.  is one of the recognized, emerging and leading department in science and technology with a growing list of accolades earned nationally. The Department started in 2001, covers all the major areas of Chemistry, viz. inorganic, organic, physical and analytical chemistry. In addition to teaching chemistry courses to the undergraduate students, the department is actively engaged in research in the frontier areas of topical importance. Currently two faculty members of the department have acquired Ph. D., two faculty members have completed B. Ed.

  • Year of Establishment – 2001
  • Aims & Objectives of the Department –

The aim of the Department of Chemistry is to produce highly qualified chemists who have a broad knowledge of modern and applied Chemical science and excellent career prospects. The Department also undertakes fundamental and applied research in Chemical science and National Seminar/Conferences explore Chemical Science. Develop knowledge of the Physical, Inorganic, Organic, Analytical, Environmental and Green Chemistry etc.

Departmental Profile –
  • Program OfferedB. Sc. Chemistry
  • Certificate Courses offeredCertificate Course in Soil & Water Analysis
  • Infrastructure available –
    • General Chemistry laboratory : 11.99 x 8.88 meter
    • Physical Chemistry Laboratory : 6 x 8.5 meter
    • Inorganic/ organic Chemistry Laboratory : 6 x 8.5 meter

  • Achievements of the Department
  1. Staff achievements
    1. Dr. R. B. Gaikar completed 30 days Faculty Induction Program from Dr. Harisingh Gaur Central University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh
    2. Mr. S. D. Bhumkar is awarded Ph. D. degree in Chemistry by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
    3. Mr. S. D. Bhumkar has completed the 30 days Faculty Induction Program from Dr. Harisingh Gaur Central University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh
  2. Students achievements
    1. Mr. Umesh Khemnar from T. Y. B. Sc. Chemistry is awarded with “Rajyastariya Yuva Vyakhyate Purakskar” in 2019-20
    2. T.Y. B.Sc. students wins the “Avhan competition” organized by the MBA college, Loni in 2019-20

Faculty Profile –

Name Qualification Designation Experience in Years Photo   Bio Data
Dr. R. B. Gaikar M.Sc B.Ed., M. Phil., Ph.D. Asst. Prof.& Head


Dr. S.D. Bhumkar M.Sc., SET, Ph. D.   Asst. Prof.


Mr. M.M. Patel M.Sc., B. Ed   Asst. Prof.


Ms. Y.R. Talekar M.Sc.   Asst. Prof.


Ms. V.S. Gaikar M.Sc.   Asst. Prof.


Ms. P.N. Khaladkar M.Sc.   Asst. Prof



Student Profile

Year Class Open OBC NT ST SC Female Male Total
2020-21 FY 09 07 03 07 05 04 01 01 18 22 36 41 77
SY 10 12 05 09 03 03 02 01 11 15 31 40 71
TY 07 10 08 10 10 12 00 02 02 03 37 27 64
2019-20 FY 09 16 10 10 13 22 03 01 08 05 54 43 97
SY 06 10 06 10 08 10 01 01 01 02 33 22 55
TY 08 06 13 18 18 21 00 02 03 03 50 42 92

Arts, Commerce, Science and Computer Science College Ashwi Kd.

Department of Chemistry

Certificate Course: Soil and Water Analysis

Objectives of the Course:
  1. To develop basic understanding regarding soil testing in the students.
  2. To introduce them with macro and micro nutrients for soil.
  3. To enhance their skills about water analysis
  1. Theory:
Chapter Content Lectures
1. Soil Analysis: Introduction, Types of soil, Soil pollutants,  role of soil testing, Collection of soil sample for testing, determination of soil parameters viz., pH, EC, Organic carbon, NPK, soil testing for micronutrients, Gypsum requirement of soil, Lime requirement of soil, Uses of soil analysis 12
2. Water Analysis: Introduction, Types of Water, Water pollutants, role of water testing, Common Sampling tools and accessories, sample collection procedure, water quality parameters viz., pH, electrical conductivity, chlorides, sulphates, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, Water quality indices and suitability. 12
  2. Practicals:
Practical Title
Part I: Soil Analysis
1. To determine PH of given soil sample
2. To determine salinity of given soil sample
3.  To determine nutrient content (NPK) of soil
4. To determine micronutrient content of soil sample
5. To determine electrical Conductivity of given soil sample
Part II: Water Analysis
1. To determine total hardness of water.
2.    To determine PH of given water sample.
3.  To determine alkalinity of water.
4.  To determine TDS of given sample of water
5.   To determine dissolved oxygen in water sample
6.   To determine Conductivity of Water Sample


Arts, Commerce, Science and Computer Science College, Ashvi kd.

Bridge Course at F.Y.B. Sc. Chemistry

Course Name: Chemical Mathematics and Fundamentals of Chemistry

Sr. No Details Hours
1         Chapter 1: Some Basics Concept of Chemistry Concept of element ,atoms and molecules atomic and molecular masses mole concept  and molar  mass ,Avogadro number ,percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula. Sub-atomic particles, Rutherford‘’s models and its limitations. 02
2         Chapter 2: Logarithm Introduction ,definition ,properties ,laws of logarithm  change of base  ,characteristics and  mantissa –method of findings characteristics and finding  mantissa, Calculation of pH and pOH 01
3         Chapter 3: Chemical Thermodynamics  Introduction, First law of thermodynamics and its limitations, Entropy and second law of thermodynamics, isochoric processes, entropy change in physical transition, entropy change in chemical reaction. 02
4         Chapter 4: Differentiation Definition of a derivative, derivative at a point, geometrical Significance of derivative, physical significance (velocity as a rate of change of  Displacement),rules of differentiation-derivative of sum, difference, product And Quotient, derivatives from logarithmic functions, algebraic functions, 02
5         Chapter 5 :Integration Definition of integration , geometrical interpretation of indefinite integrals of some standard functions, rules of Integration, numerical. 01

Arts, Commerce, Science and Computer Science College, Ashvi (Kd). 

Department of Chemistry

Remedial Course (F.Y. B.Sc)

Basics of Fundamental Chemistry


Topic Lectures  (10L)
1. Chemical Energetics: Lows of thermodynamics, definition of thermochemistry, Calculation of bond energy and bond dissociation energy, Gibb’s energy, van’t of equation  . 2L
2. Mole Concept and Oxidation – reduction: Determination of mole. Weight by gram molecular volume relationship, problems based on mole concept, Normality, Molarity, Molality.Oxidation – reduction: 1L
3. Colligative Properties: Lowering Vapour pressure of solvent, elevation of boiling point, freezing point lowering of solution, Osmosis and osmotic pressure, relation of osmotic and Vapour pressure. 2L
4. Ionic equilibrium: Electrolytic Conductance, Faraday’s law of electrolysis, transference and transference Number, Variation Of Conductance with concentration, effect on infinite dilution an other Factors on Conductance, inter ionic attraction theory of Conductance. 2L
5. Chemical Bonding- Various theories, covalent, hydrogen bonding and other weak interaction Atomic chemistry- electromagnetism. Principles of Oxidation- reduction. 1 L
Reference Books:
  1. University General Chemistry, 1st edition (2000), C.N.R. Rao, Macmillan Publishers, India.
  2. Principle of Physical Chemistry, 4th edition (1965), S.H. Maron and C.F. Prutton, Collier Macmillan Ltd
  3. The element of physical Chemistry, 5th edition (2009) Atkins P, de Paula J, W. H. Freeman Publication, USA.

Learning resources available in the Department 

Sr. No Name Details
1. Teaching aids Blackboard
ICT enabled teaching
2. Equipment/Instrument Geiger-Muller Counter, Potentiometer, pH meter, Colorimeter, Refractometer, Conductivity meter
Soil & Water Analysis Kit
3. Books/e-books/CDs/Videos Magazines
Reference books

Arts, Commerce, Science and Computer Science Colege, Ashvi Kd

Department of Chemistry

Courses offered –

  • Core Courses
Class Semester   Subject Code & Name of Subject  (if Sem wise then Give Sem wise)
F.Y.B.Sc I CH-101 Physical Chemistry
I CH-102 Organic Chemistry
I CH- 103 Practical Chemistry
II CH- 201 Inorganic Chemistry
II CH-202  Analytical Chemistry
II CH- 203 Practical Chemistry
S.Y.B.Sc. I CH- 211Physical & Analytical Chemistry
I CH -212 Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
II CH -221 Physical & Analytical Chemistry
II CH -222 Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
I & II CH -223 Practical Chemistry
T.Y.B.Sc. I CH -331 Physical Chemistry
CH -332Inorganic Chemistry
CH -333 Organic Chemistry
CH -334 Analytical Chemistry
CH -335 Industrial Chemistry
CH -336 D Environmental & Green Chemistry
II CH -341 Physical Chemistry
CH -342 Inorganic Chemistry
CH -343Organic Chemistry
CH -344 Analytical Chemistry
CH -345 Industrial Chemistry
CH -346 D Environmental & Green Chemistry
I & II CH -347 Physical Chemistry Practical
CH -348Inorganic Chemistry practical
CH -349 Organic Chemistry practical

  • Add on Courses:
Certificate Course in “Soil & Water Analysis”