Department of Economics

About Department -

          Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Has Established The Pravara Education Society In 1964. Arts Commerce Science &Computer Science College, Ashvi (KD) Started in 2001. The Department of Economics In The College Has also Been Started In The Same Year. The Special Courses Were Commenced In 2002. Two Well Qualified Full Time Faculty Members Are Working For The Department. Economics analyzes the behavior, policies and laws of individuals, firms and political institutions, seeking to understand how these economic factors determine the allocation of resources. Economics provides much of the theoretical underpinnings for the other business disciplines. By studying economics you gain a solid foundation of economic theory and applications that enable you to analyze and understand many issues from an economic perspective The Faculty Members Are Fully Engaged in Research Work and Actively Participate National and International Seminars and Conferences. We Are Also Known For Mentoring The Students.

      The Faculty Members Provide Academic And Personal Counseling Of Competitive Exams, Ibps Exams, Civil services exams and Business Entrepreneurship About Self-Employment Programs. As A Part of Academic Curriculum, We Have Been Always Organized Study Tour and Expert Lectures. The Department Began With A Two Teacher. Department Also Organizes Student Seminars, Quiz Competitions, Easy Writing, Group Discussion, Poster Presentation Etc.

     Bridge remedial courses are run for Students by the Economicsdepartment. Special Guidance is given to the students every year on the Central Budget.

Aims & Objectives of the Department –
  • To make students understand the basic concepts of Economics.
  • To organize field visit, survey and to understand the basic theories of Economics in practical world.
  • To motivate students to undertake projects on various economic issues of local area through personal interaction.
  • To generate awareness amongst students about changing environment in Economics

Best Practices Best Practices

Faculty Profile

Name of Teacher Designation Qualification Date of Joining   Teaching Experience Photograph Link
Mr .G. R. Shelke Head &Asst. Prof. M.A. SET. 01/08/2018


Dr. S. S. Rohamare Asst. Prof. M.A. B.Ed. PhD. 02/12/2010



Student Profile

Year Sr.No Subject Open OBC NT SC ST Total Female Male
2019-20 1 F.Y.B.A G-1 25 16 52 12 10 115 27 89
2 F.Y.B.COM 20 15 52 15 06 108 42 66
3 S.Y.B.COM 15 10 39 10 06 80 28 52
4 S.Y.B.A G-2 07 02 21 02 02 34 04 20
5 S.Y.B.A  Spl 04 00 09 01 01 15 03 12
6 T.Y.B.A G-3 04 02 05 05 00 16 04 12
7 T.Y.B.A  Spl 01 01 03 01 00 06 00 06
8 T.Y.B.COM 13 08 37 07 01 66 37 29
  TOTAL 89 54 218 53 26 440 145 286

Year Sr.No Subject Open OBC NT SC ST Total Female Male  
2020-21 1 F.Y.B.A G-1 10 05 30 10 06 61 23 38  
2 F.Y.B.COM 21 05 27 06 03 63 32 31  
3 S.Y.B.COM 14 11 34 12 02 73 34 39  
4 S.Y.B.A G-2 06 06 16 07 02 37 10 27  
5 S.Y.B.A  Spl 03 04 03 01 - 11 - 11  
6 T.Y.B.A G-3 7 03 17 2 2 31 20 11  
7 T.Y.B.A  Spl 03 - 09 01 01 14 02 12  
8 T.Y.B.COM 13 14 48 04 04 83 39 44  
  TOTAL 77 48 184 43 20 373 160 213

Year Sr.No Subject Open OBC NT SC ST Total Female Male
2019-20 1 F.Y.B.A G-1 25 16 52 12 10 115 27 89
2 F.Y.B.COM 20 15 52 15 06 108 42 66
3 S.Y.B.COM 15 10 39 10 06 80 28 52
4 S.Y.B.A  Spl-1,2 04 00 09 01 01 15 03 12
5 T.Y.B.A  Spl-3,4 01 01 03 01 00 06 00 06
6 T.Y.B.COM 13 08 37 07 01 66 37 29
  TOTAL 78 50 192 46 24 330 137 254

Year Sr.No Subject Open OBC NT SC ST Total Female Male
2020-21 1 F.Y.B.A G-1 10 05 30 10 06 61 23 38
2 F.Y.B.COM 21 05 27 06 03 63 32 31
3 S.Y.B.COM 14 11 34 12 02 73 34 39
4 S.Y.B.A  Spl-1,2 03 04 03 01 - 11 - 11
5 T.Y.B.A  Spl-3,4 03 - 09 01 01 14 02 12
6 T.Y.B.COM 13 14 48 04 04 83 39 44
  TOTAL 66 39 151 34 16 305 130 175

Course Offered
Sr. No Semester Class Paper Title
1.       CBCS 2019 I/II F.Y.B.A G-1 Indian economics environment
F.Y.B.A G-1 Indian economics environment
2.       CBCS 2019 I/II F.Y.B.COM Business Economics-Micro
F.Y.B.COM Business Economics- Micro
3.       CBCS 2019 III/IV S.Y.B.COM.  Business Economics-Macro
S.Y.B.COM Business Economics-Macro
4.       CBCS 2019 III/IV S.Y.B.A G-2 Financial system-I,II
5.       CBCS 2019  III/IV S.Y.B.A Spl-1 Micro Economics
S.Y.B.A Spl-1 Macro Economics
6.       CBCS 2019  III/IV S.Y.B.A Spl-2 Micro Economics
S.Y.B.A Spl-2 Macro Economics
7.       CBCS 2019 III/IV Skill Enhancement Basic Concept Of  Research Methodology-I
Skill Enhancement Basic Concept Of  Research Methodology-II
8.       2013 Pattern 80/20 T.Y.B.A G- 3 Economic of development Planning
9.       2013 Pattern80/20 T.Y.B.A Spl-3 International Economics
10.    2013 Pattern80/20 T.Y.B.A Spl-4 Public Finance
11.    - F.Y.B.COM/ F.Y.B.A Bridge Course
12.    - F.Y.B.COM/ F.Y.B.A Remedial Course


Department of Economics

Bridge Course

Sub.:-Fundamental of Economics


Objective: To impart basic knowledge Of Economics
Unit Topic Sub topics No. of Lectures

Term First

I Micro Economics Introduction of Economics –Meaning & Scope Of Economics, Utility, Consumer surplus, Demand& Supply 02
II Macro Economics Introduction of Macro Economics, National Income, Output Employment, Saving & Investment, 02
III Micro Economics Perfect completion, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, 02

Term Second

IV Macro Economics Employment And production, Saving, Investment, Money market, Inflation & Deflation, Business Cycles.        02
V Indian Economy& Agriculture Importance   of Agriculture, Green Revolution, Agriculture Finance, Agriculture Marketing,  SEZ, Suicide of farmers. Population in India, Industrial Development, New Economic Reforms , poverty       02

Department of Economics

Remedial Course

Sub.:-Basic concept of Economics


Objective: To impart basic knowledge of Economics

Unit Topic Sub topics No. of Lectures

Term First

I Advanced Economic Theory Tools of Economics 05
Elasticity Of Demand
Cost And Revenue Concepts
Low Of Revenue
Short Run And Long Ran Equilibriums Of a Firm
Group Equilibrium
Social Welfare Function
Circular Flow of National Income
Keynesian Theory Of Employment
Marginal Efficiency Of Capital
II. International Economics Hecksher –Ohlin Theory 05
Recent Development In International Trade Theories
Determinants of Terms Of Trade
Exchange Rate
Foreign Trade Multiplier
Causes And Effects Of Persistent Deficit In The Balance Of Payment


Research Wok& Publication

Sr. No. Name of the teacher Title of the paper   Title of the proceedings of the conference Name of the conference Level ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Affiliating institute at the time of publication Name of  the publisher
1.        Mr G R Shelke Agricultural marketing: Study of NAFED  Research Journey National Seminar on Recent trends in Agricultural Marketing International 2348-7143 Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd Prashant Publication, Jalgaon
2.        Mr G R Shelke Economics Analysis of agricultural produce market committee in Pune District Research Journey National Seminar on Recent trends in Agricultural Marketing International 2348-7143 Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd Prashant Publication, Jalgaon
3.        Dr S S Rohmare Study of Agricultural Marketing In India Research Journey National Seminar on Recent trends in Agricultural Marketing International 2348-7143 Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd Prashant Publication, Jalgaon
4.        Dr S S Rohmare Women Entrepreneurship Development Practices In India Research Journey National Seminar on Recent trends in Agricultural Marketing International 2348-7143 Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd Prashant Publication, Jalgaon
5.        Mr G R Shelke Importance of E banking in Indian Economy National Seminar on “Innovative changes in banking and financial sector” National Seminar on “Innovative changes in banking and financial sector” National 978-81-929719-0-7 Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd Kavyadeepprakashan
6.        Ms S V Shinde Effect of demonetization of Indian economy National Seminar on “Innovative changes in banking and financial sector” National Seminar on “Innovative changes in banking and financial sector” National 978-81-929719-0-7 Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd Kavyadeepprakashan
7.        Mr G R Shelke Shetkari Atymyahatya: Karne  Upay Yojana   Problem Prospects of Indian Agriculture International 2394-5303    
8.        Mr. G R Shelke Role of sampling method in research methodology I.J.M.M.S. Research Methodology International 2394-207X SavitribaiPhule Pune University Printing area
9.        Ms S V Shinde Internet Banking and Emergent Avenue s.r.j.i.s   Recent Trends In Economics  Commerce & Management International 0976-9056    
10.     Dr S S Rohmare Impact of pesticides and fertilizer of agricultural crop on crop yield and human health –case study Nashik district AJMS New Trends in Higher Education   International  2321-8819    
11.     Dr S S Rohmare Effect of Chemicals and pestiside on agriculture     Royal 2278-8158    
12.     Ms S V Shinde Performance Evolution of Woman Cooperative Society in Rural Area Problems and Prospects of Co-operative sector Problems and Prospects of Co- operative Sector State 0976-9056 Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd Principal, Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd

Department Activities

 1 Seminar /workshop Organized:
Sr. No. Theme Level Funding Agency Year
1 Role Of Agricultural Sector In Indian Economy State Self-Funded 2016-17

2     Organized Poster Pretentions 

Sr. No. Year Date Name of the Activity Topic
1 2015-16 23/9/2015 Poster Pretentions International Economy
2 2016-17 8/9/2016 Poster Pretentions Indian Economy
3 2017-18 4/9/2017 Poster Pretentions Poverty
4 2018-19 1/9/2018 Poster Pretentions Economics Of Development
5 2019-20 28/9/2019 Poster Pretentions Micro economics & Macro Economics

3) Organization Of Guest lectures 
Sr. No. Year Date Name of the Guest Topic
1 2015-16 22-12-2016 Mr.Lavathe.R.B. Central Budget
2 2016-17 28-12-2017 Mr.Kadu.R.B Central Budget
3 2017-18 3-12-2018 Mr.Shelke.G.R. Central Budget
4 2018-19 4-12-2019 Mr.Kadu.R.B. Central Budget
5 2019-20 11-12-2020 Mr.Lavathe.R.B. Central Budget

4 ) Field Visits& Survey
Sr. No. Year Date Place/ Venue Total Students
1 2015-16 7/8/2015 Pravara sahakari bank, Ashvi. KD. 30
2 2016-17 12/8/2016 Local Weekly Market- Ashvi. B.K. 32
3 2017-18 31/8/2017 Pravara sahakari bank,Ashvi. KD 20
4 2018-19 18/8/2018 Local Weekly Market- Ashvi. K.D. 23
5 2019-20 22/8/2019 Local Weekly Market- Ashvi. K.D. 19

                                                           Department of Economics
  • Training Program Completed: Orientation/ Refreshers / Summer Course / Short Term Course/FDP:
Sr. No Name of  faculty Program Date Duration Organizing agency
1 Mr.shelke Ganesh UGC –SPONSORD 4th  faculty induction programme 27th January to 2nd  March 2021 35th day HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE,Docter Harising Gour University (A Central University,sagar,MP,India)

Department Faculty Role in Seminar/ Conference/Workshop/ 
Sr. No. Name of the Staff Department Title of the Seminar/Conference Organizer College/ Institute Level Date    


1         Dr S. S .Rohmare Economics   Entrepreneurial Development: Opportunities 2020 Department of Commerce, PVP College , Pravaranagar National 7 & 8 February 2020
2         Mr G. R.Shelke Strengthening Business Competencies for Sustainable Development S N Arts, D J Malpani Com, B NS Science college, Sangamner& SPPU International 18-19 Feb 2020
3         Mr G. R. Shelke National seminar on Recent trends in Agricultural Marketing ACS and CS College, Ashvi Kd National 23rd -24th January 2020
4         Mr G .R .Shelke National seminar on Recent trends in Agricultural Marketing ACS and CS College, Ashvi Kd National 23rd -24th January 2020
5         Dr S. S. Rohmare National seminar on Recent trends in Agricultural Marketing ACS and CS College, Ashvi Kd National 23rd -24th January 2020
6         Mr. G.R.Shelke Goods & Service Taxes & Online Banking Department of Commerce & Bank of Maharashtra,Shevgaon State 9thJanuary 2020


7         Ms. Shinde S. V. Economics Recent tents in economics , Commerce and Management BST, College Sangamner International 1-2 Feb 2018
8         Ms. Nalkar J. S. Rural woman Entrepreneurship: Issues and Challenges Woman’s, College of Home Science, Loni State 10 Jan. 2018


9         Ms. S. V .Shinde Economics Problems and Prospects of Co- operative Sector ACS. College Ashvi State 13-14 Jan.2017