Department of Physics

About Department

Department of Physics is established in 2001. The Physics subject is offered to undergraduate students at FYBSc level. The department also conducted Bridge course and Remedial classes for slow learners. The Syllabus of the core course is prescribed by SPPU, Pune. However, the syllabus for Bridge course and Remedial classes are designed by staff of this department. The department has well equipped laboratory. The department has flexibility in conducting tests, tutorials, seminar etc. The staff is very active in extension activities on environmental related issues and use of renewable energy such as solar energy. The departmental library offers variety of reference books as well as eBooks and video clips on Physics. Staffs along with students are actively participated in Science day exhibition.

Staff of this department also active in demonstration lectures and video lessons to students. The faculty has good collaboration with eminent scientists from SPPU. The department intends to take lead role in the revolutionary changes for the rural area people for energy awareness. Staff of this Department always eager to explore innovative ideas with applied physics problems which help to make significant contribution to our understanding of the nature. Moreover, the faculty also developed electronic kits for the students to conduct practical’s. Currently the Department is headed by Dr Ashwini Baburao Rohom working in various research areas solar cells, Nanotechnology and material science which are the hot topic for today in Science field. The department extends the extension activities beyond the classroom in the form of conducting field visits and arranging guest lecture from eminent personalities.

Aims & Objectives of the Department –
  • To make student centric teaching by continuous evaluation and feedback based.
  • Remedial & Bridge courses for slow learners.
  • Well equipped laboratory.
  • Departmental Library.
  • Good rapport with Students.
  • Consistency in good academic results.
  • Research publications in peer reviewed journals with good Impact Factor.
  • Active participation of Faculty & Students in major activities of the college.
  • Social Commitment Activity: Popularization of Renewable Energy Sources

Best Practice


Staff Profile


Qualification Designation Experience in Years Photo  


Dr. Miss Ashwini Baburao Rohom MPhil, PhD Head & Asst Prof 3 Years Link


Student Profile



Open OBC SC ST NT Total Male Total Female Total Students
2020-21 F.Y.BSC 09 07 03 07 05 04 01 01 18 22 36 41 77
2019-20 F.Y.BSC 9 16 10 10 8 5 3 1 13 20 43 54 97
Basic Mathematical methods in Physics
1. Use of Calculator (2Lectures)
1.1 Introduction of all functions
1.2 Basic operations using calculator
1.3 Effective use of bracket in calculation
2. Basic Differentiation (2 Lectures)
2.1 Introduction to Differentiation
2.2 Basic differentiation formulae
3. Basic Integration (2 Lectures)
3.1 Introduction to Differentiation
3.2 Basic differentiation formulae
4. Scalars & Vectors (2 Lectures)
4.1 Introduction of scalars and vectors
4.2 Scalar (dot) products
4.3 Vectors (cross) products

Term I: Physics Paper I: Mechanics & Properties of Matter
1. Motion (1 Lectures)
1.1 Newton’s Laws
1.2 Types of forces in nature
1.3 Inertial & non inertial frames
2. Work and Energy (1 Lectures)
2.1 Kinetic Energy, Work and Work-Energy Theorem
2.2 Conservative and Non-conservative Forces
3. Fluid Mechanics (1 Lectures)
3.1 Viscosity basic concept
3.2 Bernoulli’s principal
3.3 Applications of viscous force
4. Properties of Matter (2 Lectures)
4.1 Surface Tension, Angle of Contact, Capillary Rise Method
4.2 Jaeger’s Method, Application of Surface tension
4.3 Stress, Strain, Hooks law
4.5 Poisson’s Ratio, Torsional rigidity of a wire,
Term II: Physics Paper I:  Heat and Thermodynamics
1. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics (1 Lecture)
1.1 Various concepts of thermodynamics
1.2 Laws of Thermodynamics
2. Applied Thermodynamics: (1 Lecture)
2.1 Second law of Thermodynamics
2.2 Concept of Entropy
3. Heat Transfer Mechanisms (1 Lecture)
3.1 Basic concept of Heat engines
3.2 Basic principal of Refrigerator and Air conditioning
4. Thermometry (1 Lecture)
4.1 Temperature Scales
4.2 Principle, construction and working of thermometers

Term I: Physics Paper II:   Physics Principles and Applications
1. Physics of Atoms (2 Lectures)
1.1 Concept of atom, atomic model, atomic spectra
1.2 Bohr Theory, Hydrogen atom Spectra
2. LASERS and Its Applications (1 lecture)
2.1 Basic Principle of Lasers: Three Processes
2.2 Characteristics of Lasers
2.3 Population Inversion and Pumping
2.4 Types and its Application
3. Physics of Molecules (1 Lecture)
3.1 Bonding Mechanisms:
3.2 Various Bonds in molecule
3.3 Rotational and vibration energy levels
4. Sources of Electromagnetic Waves (1 Lecture)
4.1 Electromagnetic waves, spectrum & its sources
4.2 Applications of electromagnetic waves
Term II: Physics Paper II:    Electromagnetics
1. Electrostatics (1 Lecture)
1.1 Concept of charge, current
1.2 Superposition principle
1.3 Concept of electric field
2.  Dielectrics (1 Lecture)
2.1 Electric dipole and dipole moment
2.2 Torque
2.3 Polar and non-polar molecules
2.4 Gauss’ law in dielectric
3. Magnetization (1 lecture)
3.1 Basic concept of magnetization
3.2 Various magnetic materials
4. Magneto statics (1 Lecture)
4.1 Magnetic induction
4.2 Amperes’ law
4.3 Gauss law
5. Magnetic properties of materials (1 Lecture)
5.1 Bohr magneton
5.2 Magnetization (M), magnetic intensity (H), magnetic induction (B)
5.3 Hysteresis

Publication Information

Sr. No Type Total No.
1. Number of faculty who were awarded M.Phil., Ph.D. 01 (PhD)
2. Minor and major research project: 01 (Submitted)
3. Publications Research papers 23
Conference Proceeding 08
4. Citation and h-index Citation 220
h-index 8

Year wise Publication details

Department Before 2010-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total  
Journal 04 03 06 05 04 01 23
Conference Proceeding 03 -- 01 02 -- 02 08

  1. List of papers published in UGC listed Journals

Sr. No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of the Journal Year of Publication
1.       Solar cell studies on CuIn1−XGaXSe2 NPs derived from chemical process P. U. Londhe, A B. Rohom, N. B. Chaure Physics Solar Energy, 206, 18-26 May 2020
2.       Hopping conductivity-mediated O-shaped memory behavior in gelatin–graphene oxide composite films Sreedevi Vallabhapurapu, Ashwini Rohom, N. B. Chaure · C. Tu, S. Du, V. V. Srinivasu, AnanthakrishnanSrinivasan Physics Applied Physics A 124 (9) August 2018
3.       Study of photo-electrochemical conductivity mechanism and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of bulk CuInTe2 – Electrolyte interface M G. Lakhe, Ashwini B. Rohom,P U. Londhe, G R. Bhand, and N B. Chaure Physics Surfaces and Interfaces 12, 202-212 September 2018
4.       Development of graded band-gap copper indium diselenide thin films using electrochemical route Ashwini B. Rohom, P. U. Londhe, TaehoonEomJeong In Han, N. B. Chaure Physics Applied Surface Science October 2018
5.       Selenization of electrochemically synthesized copper-indium layers from non-aqueous solution for solar cell application P U. Londhe, Ashwini B. Rohomand N. B. Chaure Physics Journal of Alloys and Compounds 771 246e253
August 2018
6.       The effect of citric acid  and selenization onto electrochemically deposited Copper-Indiun thin films for solar cell apllications Ashwini B. Rohom,  P. U. Londhe and N. B. Chaure Physics Thin Solid Films, 642, 303-310 September 2017
7.       Studies on chemically synthesized PbS thin films for IR detector application Ashwini B Rohom, P. U Londhe, G. R Bhand, P. Jadhav and N. B Chaure, Physics Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, 28, 17107-17113 June 2017
8.       Synthesis and characterization of controlled size CdSe quantum dots by colloidal method G R Bhand, M G Lakhe, Ashwini B Rohom, P U Londhe, S K Kulkurni, N B Chaure, Physics Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, 1-7 April 2018
9.       Rapid Thermal Processed CuInSe2 Layers Prepared by Electrochemical Route for Photovoltaic Applications Ashwini B. Rohom,  P. U. Londhe and N. B. Chaure Physics Journal of  the Electrochemical Society, 165, H3051-H3060 November 2017
10.    Development of superstrate CuInGaSe2 thin film solar cel with low cost electrochemical route from non-aqueous bath P U. Londhe, Ashwini B. Rohomand N. B. Chaure Physics ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering February 2018
11.    Effect of complexing agent on the chemically deposited ZnS thin film P U Londhe,Ashwini B Rohom, GR Bhand, S Jadhav, MG Lakhe, NB. Chaure Physics Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, 28, 5209-5214, December 2016
12.    Agitation dependent properties of copper indium diselenide thin films prepared by electrochemical route Ashwini B. Rohom, P. U. Londhe, N. B. Chaure Physics Thin Solid Films 615 (2016) 366–373 July 2016
13.    Study of electrochemically grown copper indium diselenide (CIS) thin films for photovoltaic applications Ashwini B. Rohom, P. U. Londhe, G R. Bhand, M G. Lakhe, N. B. Chaure Physics Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, 27, 12374-12384 June 2016
14.    Optical, structural, and morphological properties of PANI/CdSe(TPs) nanocomposite thin films G R Bhand, M G Lakhe, Ashwini B Rohom, P U Londhe, S K Kulkurni, N B Chaure, Physics Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, 28, 12255-12563 May 2017
15.    Electrochemically synthesized CuInSe2 thin films from non-aqueous electrolyte for solar cell applications PU Londhe, Ashwini B Rohom, MG Lakhe, GR Bhand and NB Chaure Physics Semicond. Sci. Technol. 31 125009 (11pp). November 2016
16.    Electrochemical synthesis and characterization Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films M G. Lakhe, G R. Bhand, P U. Londhe, Ashwini B. Rohom and N B. Chaure Physics Journal of Materials Science and Engineering  5 100261 June 2016
17.    CuInSe2 thin film solar cells prepared by low-cost electrodeposition techniques from a non-aqueous bath P U. Londhe, Ashwini B. Rohom and Nandu B. Chaure Physics RSC Adv., 5, 89635 October  2015
18.    Enhancement of Optical Absorption by Incorporation of Plasmonic Nanoparticles in PANI Films Ashwini B. Rohom, Priynka U. Londhe, N. B. Chaure Physics Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6, 83-87 June 2016
19.    Improvement in the CIGS Solar Cell Parameters by Using Plasmonic (Au) Nanoparticle P U. Londhe, Ashwini B. Rohom, N. B.Chaure Physics Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 6(1A): 43-46. June 2016
20.    The effect of pH and selenization on the properties of CuInSe2 films prepared   by electrodeposition technique for device applications, Ashwini B.Rohom & P. U. Londhe&N. B. Chaure Physics Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 19, 201-210 (2015)     2015
21.    Electropolymerization         of polyaniline thinfilms Ashwini B. Rohom, Priyanka U. Londhe, S. K. Mahapatra,S. K. Kulkarni andN. B. Chaure Physics High Performance Polymers, 26, 641 (2014)   2014
22.    Selenization of electrodeposited copper– indium alloy thin films for solar cell applications P. U. Londhe, Ashwini B. Rohom, Nandu B. Chaure Physics Journal ofMaterials Science Materials in Electronics, 2014, 25:4643–   2014
23.    Controlled Growth of ZnO QDs by Wet Chemical Technique Bhand G R, Londhe P U, Rohom, Ashwini B, Chaure N B Physics Advanced Science Letters, 20, 2014, 1112-1115.   2014
  1. List of papers published in conference proceeding

Sr. No. Name of the teacher Title of the paper Title of the proceedings of the conference Name of the conference National/International Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Affiliating institute at the time of publication Name of  the publisher


1.        Dr A B Rohom Effect of deposition time on growth of cadmium sulfide (CdS) thin film for photovoltaic application Research Journey National Seminar on Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Development International Jan 2020 2348-7143 Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd Prashant Publication, Jalgaon
2.        Dr A B Rohom The Wet Chemical Synthesis of Silver Nanostructures with Controllable Aspect Ratio Research Journey National Seminar on Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Development International  Jan 2020 2348-7143 Arts, Commerce, Science and computer science college, Ashvi Kd Prashant Publication, Jalgaon


3.        Dr A B  Rohom Resistive switching Memory Effect and conduction in Nano-Silver Incorporated Type-A Gelatin Films IEEE Conference Proceeding, Open Innovations Conference International 2018 978-1-5090-1629-7 Savitribai Phule Pune University IEEE Xplore
4.        Dr A B Rohom Bistable resistive memory behaviorin gelatin-CdTe quantum dot composite film AIP Conference Proceedings 2ndInternational Conference on Condensed Matter And Applied Physics (Icc 2017) International 2018 978-0-7354-1648-2 Savitribai Phule Pune University American Institute of Physics


5.        Dr A B Rohom Effect of oxidizing agent on the properties of polyaniline thin film AIP Conference Proceedings DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Bhubaneshae,  Odisha International 2017 978-1-4799-1379-4 Savitribai Phule Pune University American Institute of Physics


6.        Dr A B Rohom One Step Colloidal Route for the Preparation of Lead Sulfide Nanoparticles Using Thiol IEEE Conference Proceeding,. Advance Nanomaterials and Emerging Engineering Technology (ICANMEET)   International   2013 978-1-4799-1379-4 Savitribai Phule Pune University IEEE
7.        Dr A B Rohom Effect of ultrasonication on properties of sequential layer deposited nanocrystalline silver thin films AIP Conference Proceedings 55th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium International 2012 978-0-7354-1044-2 Savitribai Phule Pune University American Institute of Physics
8.        Dr A B Rohom Deposition and Characterization of Nanocrystalline silver thin films by using SILAR method AIP Conference Proceedings 56th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium International 2011 978-0-7354-1044-2 Savitribai Phule Pune University American Institute of Physics


Organizations of Seminars/Workshops/Conferences 

Sr. No. Title Level Source of funding Date No. of participants
1. National seminar on Natural resource management and sustainable development National Self 23-24 January 270 (Faculty-100, Students-170)

Organizations of Field Visit

Sr. No. Year Class Venue Date No. of participants
1 2019-20 FYBSc Solar station, Ashvi Kd 20 February 2020 55 (Students) 02 (Teachers)
2 FYBSc/TYBSc Dr. Abdul Kalam Science Centre 30 January 2020 75 (Students) 06 (Teachers)
3 FYBSc Vani Saputara – Dist Nasik 30 January 2020 49 (Students) 07 (Teachers)
4 2018-19 FYBSc Vani Saputara – Dist Nasik 3rd January 2019 45 (Students)     (Teachers)
5 2017-18 FYBSc Bhimashankar-Shivnery Fort 8th January 2018 40 (Students)      (Teachers)
6 2016-17 FYBSc Vani Saputara – Dist Nasik 3rd January 2017 45 (Students)      (Teachers)
7 2015-16 FYBSc Bhandardara 3rd January 2016 38 (Students)      (Teachers)

Organizations of Guest Lectures

Sr. No. Year Date Name of the Guest Topic Class No of students
1. 2019-20 04.09.2019 Ms Thete Shiwanjali LASERS FYBSc 72
2. 2018-19 15.09.2018 Mrs. Bhujbal M S Surface Tension FYBSc 68
3. 2017-18 22.09.2017 Dr. Sali N D Basics of Electronics FYBSc 84
4. 2016-17 13.08.2016 Dr Pawar R A Solar Energy & its applications FYBSc 81
5. 2015-16 20.08.2015 Mr Shirole G T Thin film Physics FYBSc 88

Extension Activities

Sr. No. Academic Year Name of the teacher   Nature of activity
1 2019-2020 Dr Ashwini B Rohom Popularization of solar energy awareness Use of Solar energy awareness demonstrations by staff to students and to village peoples
2 Organization of Science on Wheel Program to nearby schools
3 Science exhibitions are organized every year to create interest about basic science in students. (Celebration of Science day)
4 2018-2019 Dr Ashwini B Rohom Popularization of solar energy awareness Use of Solar energy awareness demonstrations by staff to students and to village peoples
5 Organization of Science on Wheel Program to nearby schools
6 Science exhibitions are organized every year to create interest about basic science in students. (Celebration of Science day)
7 2017-18 Mr M B Chavan Organization of Science on Wheel Program to nearby schools
8 Science exhibitions are organized every year to create interest about basic science in students. (Celebration of Science day)
9 2016-17 Ms R B Varpe Organization of Science on Wheel Program to nearby schools
10 Science exhibitions are organized every year to create interest about basic science in students. (Celebration of Science day)
11 2015-16 Ms K A Shinde Organization of Science on Wheel Program to nearby schools
12 Science exhibitions are organized every year to create interest about basic science in students. (Celebration of Science day)
Faculty Development Information
Particulars Academic Year Total
2007- 15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Orientation/Refresher/Short term course/Training program --             -- --             01 04 01 06
Workshop 02 01 01 -- -- 03 -- 07
Seminar/conference 14 05 02 -- 01 02 03 27
Webinar -- -- -- -- -- 08 04 12

  1. List of staff participated in Orientation/Refresher/Short term course/Training program
Sr. No Name of the staff Department Particular / course Title of the program Date (from – to) (DD-MM-YYYY) Duration Organizing agency
1.       Dr. A.B.Rohom Physics Online Faculty Development Program Recent advances in material characterization techniques 15/02/2021 to 19/02/2021 05 Days Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur
2.       Dr. A.B.Rohom Physics Online Faculty Induction Program Faculty Induction Program 25/11/2020 to 31/12/2020 37 Days UGC, HRDC, Dr Harisingh Gour Vishvidyalaya, Sagar, MP
3.       Dr. A.B.Rohom Physics Online Faculty Development Program Online FDP on MOOCs and MOODLE based learning management system 15/06/2020 to 22/06/2020 07 Days Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur
4.       Dr. A.B.Rohom Physics Online Faculty Development Program Online FDP on Hybrid Classroom: ICT Tools for teaching and learning 29/05/2020 to 31/05/2020 03 Days Research Culture society
5.       Dr. A.B.Rohom Physics Online teacher training program Application of ICT tools for enhancement of E-learning & teacher pedagogy in schools 08/07/2020 to 14/07/2020 07 Days Integral learning initiative, Integral University, Lucknow
6.       Dr. A.B.Rohom Physics Online Refresher Course Online Refresher Course in Physics of semiconductors 01/11/2018 to 28 /02/2019 04 Months Swayam

  1. List of staff participated in Workshop
Sr. No. Name of the Staff Department Title Level Organizer College/ Institute Date    
1         Dr A B Rohom Physics  Patent Filing: Procedure and Legal Aspects National Arts, Commerce and Science college, Satral 18th Feb 2020
2         Dr A B Rohom Physics  Syllabus Reframing Workshop-SYBSc University Department of Physics, PVP College, Pravaranagar 17th January 2020
3         Dr A B Rohom Physics  One day workshop on Choice Based Credit System University CT Bora College, Shirur, Pune 25th July 2019
4         Dr Rohom A B Physics  Vacuum Technology State Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 15 July 2016
5         Dr Rohom A B Physics Understanding Origin and Endnote Software National Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune 17Oct. 2015

Before 2015-16

6         Dr Rohom A B Physics National workshop on Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) Techniques and applications National Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India 11th-12thMarch 2011
7         Dr Rohom A B Physics Workshop on Introduction to Astronomy National KTHM College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India 17th18thJanuary 2007

  1. List of staff participated in Seminar/conference
Sr. No. Name of the Staff Department Title of the Seminar/Conference Organizer College/ Institute Level Date    


1         Dr A B Rohom Physics International conference on Recent trends in 2D Nanomaterials:Synthesis, properties and Applications Amity University, Mumbai International 24 Feb-26 Feb 2021
2         Dr A B Rohom Physics   6th International conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai International 1 Feb-3 Feb 2021


3         Dr A B Rohom Physics National Seminar on Natural Resource management and Sustainable Development ACS and CS College, Ashvi Kd National 23rd -24th January 2020
4         Dr A B Rohom Physics National Seminar on Natural Resource management and Sustainable Development ACS and CS College, Ashvi Kd National 23rd -24th January 2020


5         Dr A B Rohom Physics International Conference in Physical, Chemical and Life Science (IPCLS-2018) New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parner, Maharashtra, India International 27th -28th December 2018


6         Dr A B Rohom Physics Raman Memorial Conference 2017 Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune National 3-4th March 2017
7         Material Science and Technology(ICMST) St. Thomas College Palai, Kerala, India International 5 -8th June2016


8         Dr Rohom A B Physics Raman Memorial Conference 2016 Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune National 12-13 Feb. 2016
9         International Photovoltaic Solar Energy conference (IPSEC-2015) Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune International 30 July - 1 Aug. 2015
10      Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference (ANNIC) Espace Saint Martin, Paris, France International 5– 7Nov. 2015
11      Mr. Chavan M B Physics Emerging trends in Material Characterization PVP College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Pravaranagar, Loni International 9th -10th February 2016
12      Recent trends in Chemistry -2016 Arts, Commerce & Science college, Ashvi Kd State 5th -6th March 2016

Before 2015-16

13      Dr Rohom A B Physics Raman Memorial Conference 2015 Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India National 13th-14th Feb 2015
14      International Conference on Electrochemical science and Technology (ICONEST) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India International 6th-8th August 2014
15      Raman Memorial Conference 2014 Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India National 7th -8th February 2014
16      International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India International 6-8th Jan 2014
17      International Conference on Advance Nanomaterials and Emerging Engineering Technology (ICANMEET) Sathyabama University, Chennai International 24-26th July 2013
18      Raman Memorial Conference 2013 Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India National 22nd -23rd February 2013
19      National Conference on Functional Nanomaterials: synthesis, characterization and applications Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India National 31st - Jan 2nd February 2013
20      Raman Memorial Conference 2012 Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India National 2nd -3rd March 2012
21      56th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium SRM      University,      Tamilnadu, India, International 19th– 23rd December 2011
22      Seminar on Synthesis and Applications of Functional Materials National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla Pune , Maharashtra, India National 23rdSeptember 2011
23      Raman Memorial Conference 2011 Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India National 25th-26thFebruary 2011
24      55th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium Manipal institute of technology, Manipal, Karnataka, India International 26th-30thDecember 2010
25      National seminar on Nanomaterials for Devices: Characterization and Applications Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India National 24th– 26thJune 2010
26      National seminar on Recent trends in Material Science New Arts Science, Commerce college, Parner, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India National 21st-22ndFebruary 2010

  1. List of Webinar attended
Sr. No. Name of the Department Name of the faculty Name of the Conference Date Level
1.       Physics Dr A B Rohom Recent trends in material science and applications (RTMSA-2021) 6th March 2021 National
2.       Science & technology for sustainable development with women empowerment 25th Feb 2021 National
3.       National webinar on Functionalized Nano-materials & their applications (FNMA-2021) 10th Feb 2021 National
4.       National webinar on Functionalized Nanomaterials and their applications 9th -10th  Feb 2021 National
5.       National Webinar on Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) for promotion of Teachers & Filling of API forms 3rd July 2020 National
6.       IPR and Patents 2nd July 2020 National
7.       National Webinar on Advances in synthetic & Characterization of Materials 24th- 29th June 2020 National
8.       National webinar on Nanotechnology in Yoga 26th June 2020 National
9.       Prevention of sexual Harassment at workplace 25th June 2020 National
10.    Leadership perspectives from History 24th June 2020 National
11.    Journey to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17th June 2020 National
12.    Role of Educational institutes in Biodiversity Conservation 15th June 2020 National
13.    Applications of Basic Physics for Design & Development of various types of sensors 10th June 2020 State
14.    Latest trends in Nanomaterials synthesis, advanced Microprocessors and Challenges 9th -10th June 2020 National
15.    Nanomaterials and Detection techniques of COVID-19 7th June 2020 International
16.    Energy for Sustainable Environment Transforming the Future 6th June 2020 National
17.    Renewable energy & Energy management towards Mitigation of climate change 5th June 2020 National
18.    One day online workshop on Composing quality MCQ 11th May 2020 National
19.    Materials for energy harvesting and catalysis 1st -3rd May 2020 International
20.    Workshop on Research methodology -2020 5th -11th April 2020 International
21.    Workshop on Intellectual property rights 10th -11th April 2020 International

Based on Revised syllabus 2019-20 Course Offered – Core Course
Class Semester   Course Code Course Name
F.Y.B.Sc I PHY-111 Mechanics and Properties of Matter
PHY-112 Physics Principles and Applications
PHY-113 Physics Laboratory-IA
II PHY-121 Heat and Thermodynamics
PHY-122 Electricity and Magnetism
PHY-123 Physics Laboratory-IB

Sr. No Course Academic Year


Bridge 2019-20


Remedial 2019-20


Learning Resources 

Sr. No Name Details Total No’s


Teaching aids Blackboard & Chalk 01
Power Point preparation 01
Charts 06
Models 06


Equipment/ Instrument Electrical Circuit Kits 07
Mechanical Experiment setup 09
Others 45


Books/e-books/CDs/Videos e-books 50
Videos 50
Conference Proceeding books/Journals 02
Research papers 31
Thesis 02
Project report 01
ACHIVEMENTS (2015-2020) a) Faculty Achievements: 1. Awards:
Sr. No. Name of the Teacher Name of the Award Year (Duration) Level
1. Dr. Miss A. B. Rohom Best Oral Presentation (International conference on Recent trends in 2D Nanomaterials:Synthesis, properties and Applications, Mumbai) February 2021 International
2. South Korea Internship award Indo-Korea Research Intern Fellowship (Dongguk University, South Korea) April 2017-September 2017 International
3. Senior Research Fellowship (SRF-CSIR, New Delhi) October 2015-March 2017 National
4. Best Poster Presentation (Raman Memorial conference, SPPU, Pune) February 2016 National
5. Best Oral Presentation (ICANMEET held at Satybhama University, Chennai) July 2013 International

2. Fellowship
Sr. No. Name of the Teacher Name of the Fellowship Period of Fellowship Level
1. Dr. Miss A. B. Rohom South Korea Internship award Indo-Korea Research Intern Fellowship (Dongguk University, South Korea) April 2017-September 2018 International
2. Senior Research Fellowship (SRF-CSIR, New Delhi) October 2015 -March 2017 National

3. Grants received for attending Conference/Internship to Foreign countries
Sr. No. Name of Staff Purpose of visit Place Period Funding Agency
1 Dr. Ashwini B Rohom Conference Paris, France 5/9/2015 to 7/9/2015 BCUD, SPPU, Pune
2 Dr. Ashwini B Rohom Internship Dongguk University, South Korea 1/4/2017 to 31/10/2017 DST, New Delhi

b) Students Achievements: Student Participation in Avishkar
Year Sr. No. Name of Student Level Title of Project Faculty
2019-20  Ms Pabal Prachi Zonal Metal sulfide thin films for sensor application Science
 Ms Dongare Nikita Zonal Science
2018-19 Miss. Shinde P. S. Zonal Physics:-Plasmonic Solar cell Science
Miss. Gaikwad A. A. Zonal Science

Student Participation in Science day outside the institute (2019-20) Model presentation
Sr. No Name of the student Class
1.      Mandhare Vikrant Jondhale Akash F. Y. B. Sc.
2.      Dongare Nikita + Pabal Prachi S. Y. B. Sc.

Poster presentation
Sr. No Name of the student Class
1.      Mhaske Prajkta F. Y. B. Sc.

Quiz Completion
Sr. No Name of the student Class
1.      Shinde Pratiksha S. Y. B. Sc.
2.      Varpe Vikas S. Y. B. Sc.
3.      Pabale Akansha F. Y. B. Sc.