Policy on Green Campus

Policy document on Green Campus

The initiatives of Arts, Commerce, Science and Computer Science college are devoted to champion the conservation and promotion of life on earth.

Standard Operating Procedure of Green Campus for operational practice developed to control the pollutant discharges by using routine maintenance procedures for mowing and debris control. 

Implementation of SOP:


  • STEP 1: Plants/Tree Care: Regular watering of plants and lawn. Pruning of trees and plants/shrubs as and when required. Regular mowing and sweeping of lawn. Removal of garden refuse from garden to the designated place. Conversion of garden garbage to compost its use as manure. Encourage plantation of seasonal flowers and trees. Report damage/compromise to landscape areas or bare areas void of vegetation that may result in sediment being transported off site; prepare a repair schedule and implement repairs fortnightly.
  • STEP 2: Lawn Care and Signage in Garden proper maintenance of garden benches, if any. Educate students to respect the utility of the lawns. Classify trees and plants by proper signage and prepare report monthly.


  • Civil Engineer/ Site Engineer instruct to supervisor of the Garden about gardening maintenance.
  • Supervisor instruct to labour (Maali) about gardening maintenance.
  • A supervisor verifies the given assignment to the labour every day.  He prepares a report and submits to Site Engineer.
  • Site Engineer makes report based on supervisor report and submits to Green campus   In-charge.
  • Green campuses I/C prepare a report based on site Engineer report and submit to the Campus Director/ Principal.


  • The intention of organizing Green/Energy/Water Audit is to upgrade the environment condition in and around the institutes, colleges, companies and other organizations.
  • Awareness program related to green campus initiative should be conducted.
  • The objective of carrying out Green/Energy/Water Audit is securing the environment and cut down the threats posed to human health.
  • To make sure that rules and regulations are taken care of
  • To avoid the interruptions in environment that are more difficult to handle and their correction requires high cost.
  • To suggest the best protocols for adding to sustainable development
  • Yearly audit should be done.


  • Ban on the use of plastic in all important parts of College.
  • Awareness program related to Ban on use of plastic should be conducted.
  • To all teaching and non teaching staff ban on plastic is mandatory.
  • Promote to all staff as well as students to use alternate solution om plastic viz use of paper folders, jute files, cloth bags, etc.


  • Say NO to Plastics: The first and most critical element for success of waste management is the rejection of non-biodegradable materials such as plastic covers and plastic bottles etc.
  • Say Yes to Plastic Alternatives: Instead of plastic, utilize biodegradable materials such as cloth bags, jute baskets, reusable bags, reusable glass bottles etc.
  • Process for replacing plastic bottles and bags:
  • Assess the current usage of plastic bottles and bags through a survey form, observation from the collected waste and general usage across the institutions.
  • Deliver a one week notice to everyone in the institution to eliminate all their current non-recyclable plastic bottles and bags as well as to ban the carrying of plastic bottles or bags.
  • Arrange collection points at all convenient locations to collect discarded bottles and bags.
  • Arrange cloth and paper bag counters across the institution for anyone to purchase if required.
  • The Principles of ‘Refuse’ and ‘Reuse’ will be promoted for eliminating usage of plastic in the Institutions.
  • All the bags will be checked at the entrances of the Institution for any possible plastic bags or bottles being brought in and have they replaced with paper, cloth or jute bags.
  • Segregation of the waste at source i.e. primary segregation will be executed at the laboratory, household, hostel kitchen, hostel dining halls, and canteen levels.
  • Appropriate bins should be placed at every feasible location in Institutions i.e. wet waste in green bin, recyclable waste in blue bin, and hazardous waste in the red bin. Have a hazardous materials logo on the red bin to prevent its use for disposing e-waste.


  • Green Campus In-charge should instruct to girls & Boys hostel mess and Canteen manager about wet waste treatment.
  • Waste, particularly from kitchen, such as vegetable refuses, food scraps, etc. is wet waste. Wet waste is to be sent for composting using aerobic or anaerobic methods.
  • Aerobic Method: Windrow composting, vermi-composting, and NADEP composting are some of the popular methods.
  • A list of useful guides that explain each of these methods is provided in the web links below and can be employed by the campus